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Transitions: Celebrating Epworth Playgroups

Writer: Susan JardinSusan Jardin

For 50 years, Epworth Playgroups met a great need in the new parent community for friendship, support and connection. Groups gathered weekly to talk, watch their toddlers play in a large, sunny room full of climbing equipment, a play kitchen, books, trains and blocks. Parents came from all over the East Bay, or were transplants from other parts of California, the U.S., Europe, Latin America and Asia. Some were single parents, older parents having a baby for the first time, parents who had children with special needs, same-sex partners, those who had adopted or are recuperating from life-threatening illnesses. Mothers and fathers, grandparents and nannies all participated in the program, which came to include groups for babies and children with speech delay, as well.

We sometimes heard stories of a partner who has lost a job, was suffering a major life transition such the death, divorce or a miscarried child. Sometimes parents spoke of feeling isolated at home, or were depressed or having difficulty juggling their roles as new parents with their work lives. We offered tea, coffee and a chance to hang out with others who walked in their shoes.

Every one of us needs community – people to connect with who “get” us, accept us for who we are, who can accompany us as we navigate new territory – in this case, the experience of parenting. Epworth Playgroups helped to support these important needs for many years.

From the outside, the Playgroups might have appeared to be a preschool readiness program, of a sort. But there was something much bigger going on. Parents accompanying their children got to meet and socialize themselves, and in this way, had an opportunity to share parenting questions and concerns, and make new friends along the way. In my view, this was by far the heart of the Epworth Playgroups: providing a sense community to hundreds of new parents.

I have been involved in Epworth Playgroups since 1999, when I brought my now 27-year old to attend the meetings. I made friends here that I still have today. And I have seen that happen over and over again. On social media I sometimes see Playgroup friends meeting up for drinks, meals, even going on trips together, who I know met each other here, at Epworth.

And then I consider the “ministry” aspects of the Playgroups. Perhaps the best example of ministry in action is the following story: years ago, a new mom joined with her son and within a few months sustained the tragic loss of her husband to cancer. Immediately I witnessed others in the group taking her under their wings, checking in on her, providing support and companionship, attending her husband’s memorial, setting up weekly meals. I was moved by their compassion and outreach. And I wasn’t surprised by it.

A supportive, welcoming environment, such as our church provided, couldn’t help but engender this type of response to human struggle. Over many years, Epworth Playgroups has truly made a difference in our community.

But times change, the cost of living, demographics, interests and needs of the Bay Area parents have changed. Social media provides a platform for many wonderful programs that take place daily, and attendance in the Playgroups has dwindled. We made the tough choice to close the program this month, and celebrated with the three remaining families and our wonderful group facilitator, Mary Pratt. Tears were shed and many happy, and moving stories were shared about how much the playgroup meant to these new moms as they navigated those first months and years of life with little ones. Please say a big thank you to Mary, if you see at church on Sunday – she did an amazing job and deserves our thanks and praise. As do the dozens of women who have been facilitators over these many years. Chances are, anywhere you go in Berkeley, someone will know somebody who brought their child to the Epworth Playgroup, or was a toddler in it!



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