Join us for a weekend full of fun, fresh air, activities, and fellowship!
The Epworth All-Church Retreat takes place at Monte Toyon, a retreat center in the redwoods of Aptos, CA, 84 miles from Berkeley - a beautiful 1.45 hour drive. (See more here)

This is a turn-key opportunity to spend time in the redwoods and experience the beauty of coastal California with the Epworth community. Lodging and four delicious camp meals are included. Accommodations are in rustic but comfortable cabins.
Older kids will enjoy doing their own thing, hanging out and playing games, and wandering around the retreat grounds. There are activities for younger kids, and free onsite childcare is provided.
This is a very family- and kid-friendly affair - and the more kids, the more fun for everyone! This special weekend gives kids a chance to get to know lots of Epworth folks so that when they see them at church they are familiar with them. Plus, parents get some downtime - opportunities to take walks, engage with others, while kids are safely and lovingly cared for by trained staff.
Activities include:
Hiking and nature walks
Campfire with s’mores
Climbing wall
Sports and games
Board games, puzzles and cards
Arts and Crafts
Singing and music sharing
Talent show (be in it or have fun watching it!)
Friday BYO dinner, three meals (including homemade rolls) on Saturday, and breakfast Sunday
Do as much or as little as you like - there’s plenty of downtime, and little/no cell reception, so everyone can unplug and enjoy the peace!
Feel free to invite friends and family - this is an opportunity to really get to know the Epworth community, and just BE together.
Go here for more information and to sign up.
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