If you’re uncertain what you believe, are searching or perhaps exploring your relationship with God, reactivating a dormant faith, or seeking a message that’s relevant to today’s world, you are welcome here. Our faith in God and scripture includes the freedom to think and feel and question. We celebrate in community through music, meditation and prayer, and sharing of joys and concerns. We sing joyfully, accompanied by guitar, by our newly-restored pipe organ or grand piano, by the chancel choir, or by the talented and spirited Jammin’ Methodists. During Advent and Easter seasons our Children’s Choir adds fresh voices to worship.

We invite all worshippers to share Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month.
From its earliest days, the Methodist Movement has held to the tenet that access to the Lord’s Table should be open and unrestricted. Anyone, ANYONE, ready in his/her heart to answer the invitation of Jesus, “Follow me,” is eligible for inclusion. Unfortunately, the church during its history has erected barriers of law, practice, or prejudice to the full inclusion of persons in the life of the church and to open access to Communion. At Epworth we take our responsibility to extend Christ’s invitation to his table so seriously that we want to ensure that persons who feel that the church itself will not welcome them will still be able to receive Christ’s invitation.
Children are an integral part of our community. Each Sunday they welcome us in song to worship, attend the first part of the worship service, and are then invited to attend Godly Play (or to remain in worship, if they wish).
Nursery care starts at 9:45 AM.

Gender-neutral restrooms are located in the Sanctuary lobby and downstairs, outside Fellowship Hall; gender-specific restrooms are located in the hall behind the Sanctuary.
An accessible entrance is available via the ramp on Napa Avenue. We also have an elevator that goes from ground floor to Sanctuary on the second floor
Hearing assist devices and large print bibles, bulletins, and hymnals are available from the ushers at worship service
Music is a joyous and vital part of worship at Epworth. From our weekly worship to Community Concert Series where the Bay Area's best musicians perform for our neighborhood.
Art installations in the sanctuary during Lenten & Advent seasons are coordinated by church artist-in-residence Clark Kellogg. The art is often a community-created project in which everyone is invited to participate and that unfolds in stages under Clark’s inspired direction. Children also create art for Children’s Chapel during Lent and Advent.