Our Story: Connect, Grow and Serve
Since 2015 Epworth Older Adult Ministries have offered programming to meet the needs of the community we serve: seniors in the East Bay. The majority of our participants are betwen 66 and 90 years old. All programming is free and open to the public. We strive to combat depression and isolation in older adults while providing support, connection and community for all. Classes, lectures and events include: Tai Chi Chih practice, meditation group, book groups (secular and spiritual), a month lunch/speaker series, tea and conversation gatherings, a summer camp for seniors, classical community concerts, a bereavement group, and outings to films and museums.

Racial Justice Ministries
Sanctuary Action
Prayer chain
Caring ministry
Music Ministry
Stephen Ministry
Sharing Network
Art Ministries
Community Concert Series
Small Groups:
Parent group
Book group
Advent and Lent seasonal small groups