Epworth is committed to creating a place where youth are fully welcomed and valued as members of the church community. All members of our community offer a richness to the ongoing evolution of our spiritual experience. We want all voices--collective and individual–to be heard and honored. Epworth youth contribute to the cooperative spirit by supporting one
another, participating in services, and offering time and talents to their own church community and the world beyond.
By creating a healthy and safe community where all are welcomed, respected, and honored, Epworth aspires to be a place for youth to engage in personal, spiritual, and relational exploration-- a place where they have opportunities to consider how to navigate a world full of challenges, prejudices, and conflicting messages. Youth are supported as they intentionally
develop their own way of being in the world, guided by their own spiritual beliefs and practices.
Service is a foundation of our Epworth community. Members seek out ways to contribute to the needs and spiritual sustenance of church members, our local area, and people and places beyond our immediate neighborhoods. Youth are encouraged to see beyond themselves-- to recognize and attend to the necessities, practical issues and tasks, and spiritual nourishment of others in the world.

Sunday Youth Groups | Youth Services | Confirmation
SERVICE PROJECTS: Sierra Service Project | Dorothy Day House | Kumi School, Uganda
Epworth-Bake Sales | Easter Egg Hunt | Ornament Making
Game Nights | Lock in Overnights